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How To Become an Amazon Affiliate
H ere is a simple guide on how to sign up to be an Amazon Affiliate. It is a very quick and easy process to initially get started. Although they will monitor you for a period of time and might revoke your account if they deem you unsuitable. You must create original content and have followers either on YouTube or Facebook (not a personal account). You can read the full list of the application review process here. You must have three sales in the first 180 days of signing up. It is great if you are like me and you already like researching and finding cool products so it is easy for me to write about what I find.
I just signed up for the program last week and I made 75cents after posting an aquarium link in a group I am in. So many people are buying everything on Amazon from groceries to clothes. There is no reason why you can’t post to your social media and get a commission from your friends clicking on your link. It isn’t like an mlm company where you are trying to persuade them to buy a certain item from you. You get paid a percentage based on the category of the item or items they purchase. The highest commissions come from luxury beauty products at 10%. You can read the full commission percentage payout by category on the site.
If you have a large following you can sign up for the Amazon Influencer Program. They don’t disclose how many followers or metrics you need to qualify. I plan on signing up to be an influencer once I have 20k subscribers to my YouTube channel. What I like about this program is they allow you to create a storefront with the items you like so it is easy for your followers to shop the items you love.
I plan on trying this out for a year and seeing how it goes. I love trying new things and interesting ways of earning income. I will post an update after six months of being an Amazon Affiliate.